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Artificial Intelligence.

Empowering Businesses with AI.

Our Capabilities.

Icon AI Strategy and Consulting

AI Strategy and Consulting.

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AI Solution Development.
Icon AI as a Service (AIaaS)
AI as a Service (AIaaS).
Icon Data Migration B
Data Engineering and Management.
Icon AI-Powered Automation
AI-Powered Automation.
Icon AI Supporting Human Agents
AI Supporting Human Agents.
Unlock the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for your business with Reintivity. We are your trusted partner in harnessing the power of leading business AI platforms like Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to automate tasks, gain deeper insights, and drive intelligent decision-making.
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AI Strategy and Consulting.

Embark on your AI transformation with Reintivity’s strategic consulting, leveraging our partnerships with industry leaders like Microsoft and AWS to ensure cutting-edge technology and insights. We delve into your business model to craft a custom AI strategy that aligns with your objectives. Our services include comprehensive ecosystem assessments, detailed feasibility reports, and strategic planning that covers all phases of AI adoption. We equip your team with the knowledge and tools necessary to harness the benefits of AI, fostering a culture of innovation and sustained growth.
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AI Solution Development.

Develop custom AI solutions tailored to the unique challenges of your business. From automating customer service with chatbots to enhancing decision-making through predictive analytics, our solutions are designed to improve efficiency and accuracy. We employ advanced machine learning algorithms, deep learning networks, and cognitive computing to create systems that not only replicate human tasks but also evolve with your business needs, driving continuous improvement and innovation.

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Icon IT Productivity

AI as a Service (AIaaS).

Leverage the power of AI without the need for extensive capital investment with AI as a Service (AIaaS). This model allows you to utilize state-of-the-art AI functionalities hosted on secure, scalable cloud platforms like AWS and Microsoft Azure. Our AIaaS solutions include a range of services from image and speech recognition to advanced analytics and machine learning processes, all customizable to your needs and seamlessly integrated into your existing IT infrastructure.

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Data Engineering and Management.

Effective AI implementation starts with high-quality data. Reintivity’s data engineering and management services ensure that your data infrastructure is optimized for AI integration. We handle everything from data acquisition and validation to warehousing and analytics, creating a streamlined data ecosystem. Our services also include implementing robust data governance practices to maintain data integrity and security, ensuring your AI systems are built on reliable, actionable data sources.
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Icon AI Supporting Human Agents

AI-Powered Automation.

Configure software bots to assist human agents by providing suggested responses based on frequently asked questions, underlying knowledge and access to data from throughout the organization. ‍

This technology aids in improving the consistency and quality of those talks while also shortening their length and accompanying costs.

Icon AI Supporting Human Agents

AI Supporting Human Agents.

Configure software bots to assist human agents by providing suggested responses based on frequently asked questions, underlying knowledge and access to data from throughout the organization. ‍

This technology aids in improving the consistency and quality of those talks while also shortening their length and accompanying costs.

Icon AI Supporting Human Agents

Thoughts & Insights.

Managed Software Technology Services

The concept of Reintivity's modern-day IT service is built on basic, tried-and-true techniques and practices, such as:

  • Regular maintenance evaluations of all IT equipment to extend computer systems' usability and performance.
  • Ensure that security patches and software upgrades are installed to protect the network and endpoints from both faults and threats.
  • Early detection and proactive monitoring to discover and address issues before they cause downtime and interruption.
  • Reporting and tracking to identify and replace faulty equipment.

vCIO Services

A Virtual CIO is a distant or virtual entity, such as a contractor or a corporation, that acts as your organization's chief information officer. The Virtual CIO performs the same functions as a traditional CIO. They work with your IT department to develop strategic goals, budget plans, business process analyses, and technological improvements.

Use our technical expertise, provided as a Virtual CIO (vCIO) or Virtual IT Director service, to bring your most ambitious business ideas into action with fewer risks and lower costs.

Let's get started.

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