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SQL Saturday #530 Indianapolis 2016

Hosted by SQLSaturday and Indiana Wesleyan University

Using PowerPivot in MS Excel to analyze SQL Server Data

Presented by Great Tech Pros’ Wylie Blanchard

SQL Saturday #530

Saturday, Aug 13, 2016 01:00 PM

Indiana Wesleyan University North, 3777 Priority Way South Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46240


Your end users want to analyze data in your data warehouse. They could deal with the learning curve of SSAS but they’d prefer to utilize a familiar application like MS Excel. Welcome PowerPivot, a tool that retrieves data from your data warehouse by combining the power of SSAS models and your SQL Server Data warehouse within the familiar interface of MS Excel. In this presentation well explore SSAS BI Semantic model, PowerView, PowerPivot in Excel.

Duration: 60 minutes

Track: BI Information Delivery

SQLSaturday is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to learn about SQL Server. This event will be held on Aug 13 2016  at Indiana Wesleyan University North, 3777 Priority Way South Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46240, United States

Event Follow Up:

Presentation slide deck and t-sql scripts used in the demonstration:


Download: Presentation Slides
Download: Demo T-SQL Scripts

SQLSatIndy: SQL Saturday 530 - Indiana Wesleyan University North