On March 11th we presented at SQL Saturday 600 – Chicago 2017. The event was held at Devry University – Addison Campus, 1221 North Swift Road, Addison, Illinois, 60101.
Below you’ll find the session resources from the event.
Event Follow Up
Analyzing SQL Server Data using PowerPivot in MS Excel
Presentation slide deck and demo guide used in the demonstration
Analyzing-SQL-Server-Data-using-PowerPivot-in-MS-Excel_SQLSaturday-600-Chicago-2017_Wylie-Blanchard_Great-Tech-ProsDownload: Presentation Slides
Download: Demo Guide

SQLSaturday is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to learn about SQL Server. This event was held on March 11 2017 at DeVry University – Addison Campus, 1221 North Swift Road, Addison, Illinois, 60101, United States.